Saturday, November 29, 2014

How to lose weight naturally with Trimulean

TrimULean Weight Reduction System
TrimULean Weight Reduction SystemToday, more than 65 percent of adults in the United States are considered to be over their ideal weight. Proper eating, regular exercise and good nutrition are important. However, with today’s hectic and stressful lifestyle, we escape to our tablets, computers and television sets instead of exercising. We no longer eat healthy, nutritious home-cooked meals but rely on processed foods, fast-foods and soda to keep us going. This has contributed to the increasing weight problem in America. It’s time for a balanced approach to weight loss… healthy eating, proper exercise and TrimULean!
TrimULean™ is a weight reduction system that helps boost metabolism; promotes healthy thyroid function, satisfies your appetite, and maintains energy without those “nervous jitters.” Formulated from natural ingredients with NO added caffeine.

How TrimULean Works:

  • Take 1-2 chewable tablets 30 minutes before each meal.
  • The ingredients in TrimULean™ start working immediately to help you feel more full when you begin to eat your meals. You eat less!*
  • You will also notice reduced cravings in between meals, so you cheat less!*
  • There is no messy powder to mix, nor liquid you must keep refrigerated… TrimULean™ is easy to take anywhere!
  • TrimULean™ also helps promote a healthy metabolism, so you have the energy you need to exercise.*

TrimULean™ works so you Eat Less and Cheat Less – It’s that Simple!

For more helpful tips and shocking facts about losing weight from Dr. David Friedman, click here.


TrimULean Contains 10 Powerful Ingredients Working Together to Help You Lose Weight!*

Read more about the benefits of each ingredient in our health and wellness blog!
TrimULean Ingredients
Theobromine is an organic alkaloid found naturally in chocolate, minus the sugar. Theobromine is widely used for its appetite suppressing effects, and has been shown in studies to reduce food intake. Because it is the “feel-good” ingredient in chocolate, it promotes healthy emotional well-being during periods of low energy and dieting.* Theobromine has been shown in clinical studies to reduce food intake.* Read More about Theobromine  Here.
Green tea: There are only two ways to lose weight: reduce food intake or increase energy expenditure. The former means eating less (in terms of caloric value.) The latter means exercising more. Green Tea has been shown to aid in increasing energy expenditure. Green tea helps stimulate the use of fatty acids by the muscle’s cells during exercise.* Read More about Green Tea Here. 
Banaba may assist with healthy glucose metabolism. For some people, fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin are related to appetite, hunger and various food cravings – particularly cravings for carbohydrates such as bread and sweets. By assisting with healthy glucose metabolism, Banaba may help contribute to achieving a healthy weight.*
Hoodia gordonii is a succulent botanical which resembles a cactus which helps to reduce appetite and increases energy.*
TrimULean Ingredients
Coleus forskohlii is a member of the mint and lavender family which grows in the mountains of Asia and supports healthy thyroid function and a healthy metabolism rate.*
White Willow Bark taken with other weight loss-enhancing ingredients creates a synergistic effect and may help them work more effectively.* Additionally, this herb has been shown to provide temporary relief of minor muscle pains, which may help people keep up with their exercise regimens!
Chromium picolinate is an essential trace mineral that works to support healthy glucose metabolism.*
Guggul helps assist the body’s healthy metabolism and helps maintain normal thyroid activity.* It has been used for thousands of years in India for many health benefits including aiding in weight loss.*
TrimULean Ingredients
Citrus aurantium promotes healthy metabolism and aids in energy production.* According to research at McGill University, Citrus aurantium gives you an even flow of sustained energy without creating a feeling of nervousness or those “shaky jitters,” which is so commonly experienced when using other weight loss ingredients.*
Gymnema sylvestre contains a number of powerful antioxidant flavonoid compounds including quercetin, which has been shown to help increase energy expenditure during exercise and supports cardiovascular health.* Research on Gymnema also suggests it can help support healthy glucose metabolism.*
Order NowXylitol is a natural, no calorie sweetener that comes from the birch tree. Over 1,500 scientific studies have been conducted on Xylitol for its safety and amazing health benefits. It’s sweeter than sugar without the fattening calories. Most weight loss products use artificial sweeteners like sucralose, aspartame and saccharine. These can cause hormonal imbalances making weight loss even more difficult.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent 
any disease.

“thank you for taking the time to read this blog post”
If you liked this beneficial blog post please “Tweet, comment & share”.

– Tony Belcher

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Supreme Vitality (Chews-4-Health Product Review)

 In today's fast pace life, it seems so easy to get fast food, take out, junk food and what ever you can crab after a long day of work. How does one maintain a healthy diet. Some people may be very good at maintaining it. But for most people it's a day to day struggle. Well there is a phenomenal tasty solution for this. And it's called Chews-4-Health


Greetings my name is Tony Belcher a.k.a Shaheed Ali. I'm a husband and a father.I'm also an Advocate for good Preventive Healthcare which is Priceless. 

Did You Know That Deficiency In Vitamins & Minerals Can Be Deadly?

Because of the mineral depletion of our soil. We are not consuming the vital minerals needed to sustain human life. Dr Linus Pauling, twice noble prize winner, said "you can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency". Yet, all over the world, minerals are disappearing from agricultural soils at an alarming rate.
The human body needs 60 trace minerals to achieve optimum health and vitality. In June 2012 I was blessed to meet a Naturopathic Diplomat Dr. David Friedman Founder & CEO of Chews-4-Health International. He formulated an all nature product called Chews-4-Health which is totally synthetic free. The product is chewable and contains 80 essential trace minerals

It's Imperative that you and your love ones have Supreme Vitality.

This video was made two years ago. Since then the Network Marketing side of the Company was switch to Affiliate Marketing Only. But my purpose is to simply inform people about the benefits of this great product.

Chews-4-Health Dietary Supplemen
Chews-4-Health Dietary Supplement
Chews-4-Health™ Chewable Dietary Supplement is a delicious-tasting, doctor-formulated, all-natural, whole food chewable dietary supplement which contains 16 ingredients (4 Exotic Super Fruits, 4 Nutrient Dense Sea Vegetables, 4 Power Packed Antioxidants, 4 Potent Fruit Concentrates) derived from nature’s most nutrient-rich sources from around the world ….The Best from Land and Sea™.   This nutrient rich combination cannot be found in any other product on the market.
Read more about the benefits of all 16 ingredients in our health and wellness blog.



Super Fruit Complex
Chews-4-Health™ contains 4 super fruits: GojiNoniAcai and Mangosteen. These fruits and berries offer tremendous health enhancing qualities and contain hundreds of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, fiber and phytonutrients. The 4 “Super Fruits” contained in Chews-4-Health™ – Goji, Noni, Acai and Mangosteen are considered by many experts to be the most nutrient rich fruits the world has to offer. Our carefully selected super-fruit complex gives you the power of all 4 in one supplement.*


Antioxidant Mix
Chews-4-Health™ contains 4 super antioxidants: Vitamin B12ResveratrolFolic acid and Alpha lipoic acid. What are Antioxidants? Antioxidants work by neutralizing the damaging effects of free radicals, rendering them harmless to your body. This helps protect your skin and body from the ravaging effects of premature aging*.


Select Fruit Concentrates
Chews-4-Health™ contains 4 select fruit concentrates: Pomegranate, Blueberry, Cranberry and Raspberry. These carefully selected fruits were chosen as part of the formulation because of their combined health enhancing properties. The majority of healthcare professionals now believe there is a clear association between overall health and a diet high in fruits. However, most people fail to eat the government’s recommended 5 servings of fruit per day. Do you eat that much fruit? Chews-4-Health™ can help fill that void for those who don’t.


Sea Vegetable Blend
Chews-4-Health™ contains 4 sea vegetables: Kelp, Nori, Dulse and Bladderwrack. Sea Vegetation is considered superior to vegetables grown on land because they do not contain the genetic modification and chemicals frequently used in farming. Our sea vegetable blend contains up to 70 naturally-occurring plant source minerals from A to Z. Sea vegetables provide a rich source of minerals in the vegetable kingdom because they don’t rely on land soil but have access to the abundance of minerals found in the ocean. Sea vegetables are virtually fat-free, low in calories and offer soluble, plant-based trace elements.* Click Here to View Dr. Friedman discuss the importance of Sea Vegetables on Lifetime Television.

Chews-4-Health™ Dietary Supplement Contains 60 chewable wafers. This product contains 16 ingredients from land and sea, uniting the antioxidant powers of exotic, life enhancing super fruits with mineral rich sea vegetables and vitamins. 

If there's any questions, feel free to call me.My contact information is below."Peace & Supreme Vitality"


Below Are The Benefits Of Becoming An Affiliate.I personally love to share this product, because there's immediate benefit within 10 seconds of chewing this delicious supplement.
Even children love it. "lol, They think it's candy". 
Also the money I make via Paypal is just the icing on the cake. But the real treat is the testimony you'll receive from your family and friends etc... 

10 Things A Vegan Newbie Should Keep In The Fridge’s been there: You come home from a long day, open the fridge, and find nothing to eat. Usually this leads to ordering takeout, or eating a less than ideal meal. By keeping your fridge stocked with a few healthy eating essentials, you’ll always be prepared to make a quick, clean meal or snack for yourself!

These should be the centerpiece of any plant-based diet. They can be used in green juices, smoothies, salads and so much more! Keep a variety of greens washed and stored in glass containers to help them remain crisp. Darker greens such as kale, collards, spinach and chard are great for steaming or sauteing. For salads, arugula, romaine, and bibb lettuce are great to have at the ready. Kale is also wonderful for salads but make sure you “massage” it first to break down the texture and make it easier to chew!

Me at a Grand Fruit Stand In Soran, Kurdistan "Northern Iraq" 

Fresh, organic, seasonal fruit is a great breakfast option. Keep a few favorites in the fridge for easy access. Apples, berries and grapefruit are lower-sugar options and are so sweetly satisfying when in season. Tropical fruits such as bananas, pineapple and mango are great frozen and work well in smoothies.

Cut raw vegetables make great instant snacks or additions to green salads. They’re much healthier than any chip that might be lurking in your pantry. Carrots, celery, peppers, and cucumbers are perfect to have at the ready to pair with your favorite dressing or dip.

Avocados are an incredible source of healthy fats. Keep a few ripe ones in your refrigerator to add to salads, smoothies, dressings and dips. For a quick, nutrient dense snack, mash half an avocado with sea salt and fresh lemon juice. It’s delicious and satisfying.

Nut and seed butters such as almond butter, cashew butter and sunflower seed butter are another source of healthy, plant-based fat. They can be used in dips, dressings, sauces and smoothies to add nutrient density. For great snack celery sticks spread with nut butter are quick and easy. When buying nut and seed butters try to seek out the raw, organic variety with no added oils or sugar.

Almond milk is an absolute must in any vegan fridge. It makes a great liquid base for green smoothies, adding a wonderful creamy texture. It can also be poured over your favorite cereal or granola. When buying almond milk, always look for an organic, unsweetened variety. If you’re feeling adventurous, try making your own by blending one cup of soaked almonds with four cups of water and then straining the liquid from the pulp with a fine mesh bag.

Coconut water has become very trendy and for good reason. It’s extremely hydrating and rich in potassium. Try using it in your smoothies, or for post-workout hydration. There are many varieties available today, however the best is the raw, unpasteurized kind from Harmless Harvest, which is becoming more and more widely available.
Raw Nuts
Raw nuts such as almonds and cashews are great to keep on hand for a variety of uses. A small handful are a quick, filling, protein-rich snack. You can also use raw nuts as a salad topping, in your favorite smoothie, or in a variety of sauces or dressings. Storing nuts in the refrigerator instead of your pantry keeps them from going rancid.

A bottle of fresh squeezed lemon juice comes in handy quite often. Juice a bunch of lemons at the beginning of the week so that each time you need a squeeze, you don’t have to cut open a lemon. A glass of water with lemon juice is the perfect way to start your day; it gets your digestive system going and helps eliminate toxins. Lemon juice is also a perfect, quick salad dressing on its own or in your favorite recipe.

Natural Dips And Dressings
At the beginning of the week, make one or two of your favorite dips or dressing to have on hand for that week’s meals. You’re much more likely to make a salad or snack on raw vegetables if you have a delicious dip or dressing to pair it with. Homemade dips and dressings are much better for you than anything you can buy in a store!

Get More Great Tips On Health & Wellness At MINDBODYGREEN

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“thank you for taking the time to read this blog post”
– Tony Belcher
Lacking Nutrition? Try Chews-4-Health™ Dietary Supplement Today!